Cost Analysis

It’s no longer enough to accrue some hours and send them to payroll. Businesses need more information to determine areas with high labour costs which impact bottom line profitability.

Cost Analysis Tools

Our time and attendance solutions offer a number of  cost analysis tools to help your organisation keep on top of the finances including:

  • Labour Costs: anticipate labour costs at the roster planning stage.
  • Cost Centres: capture hours worked at the cost centre level – so you know which areas of your business are costing you more.
  • Comparative Reporting: compare planned against actual hours worked.
  • Business Overviews: view expenditure at basic, overtime, sickness and holiday rates.
  • Infringement Analysis: determine time lost to the business through lateness.

Key Benefits

Anticipate labour costs

Roster planning

Cost centre analysis breakdowns

Determine the cost of lateness

Data for any time period


  • "Some of the features we have found most useful are the Rota costing and budgeting, the cost variance report is particularly good for this as it allows our department heads to see the difference between what their original rota cost had been to their actual cost."