Attendance Display Solutions
The Focus Attendance Board (FAB) or attendance display panel (ADP) provides an accurate picture of current attendance at your organisation. A highly configurable browser-based module, the Attendance Board is available as a cost-effective add-on to your Focus Time and Attendance system.
The FAB is a powerful tool providing attendance monitoring information in a wide variety of different contexts:
- On a large monitor in your reception, canteen or factory floor
- On the receptionist’s desktop for visitor enquiries
- On the duty manager’s laptop to track arrivals
- On your staff agency liaison manager’s PC
- Business wide for identifying colleague availability
And because multiple screen configurations can be generated you can display different information to all these people simultaneously.

Attendance Monitoring System
Use the Attendance Board to find out who has clocked in on which shift, who is late or has clocked out early, why an employee is absent or when a shift is scheduled to end. Importantly in a large or multi-site organisation you can identify where employees are.
Why not set-up different displays for each site, agency or department? Personalise the FAB for your organisation with your logo, preferred colours, font styles and size.
Filter each display as you require, deciding the groups, cost centres and shifts you desire to see. Once created different display configurations can be switched between on each display device.
Attendance Display Features
Traffic Lights
Configure the Attendance Board to highlight shifts falling below expected attendance levels using the ‘Red, Amber, Green’ traffic light system. You configure the percentage of attendance each colour represents. Ideal for identifying ‘at a glance’ where additional resource needs to be called in. The Attendance Board could save you money by enabling you to pull resources from well staffed areas into those falling short avoiding lost time and expensive bills to temping agencies.
Rolling Shifts
Just like a railway departure board the FAB refreshes regularly to show the shifts in progress, recently started, and those about to start to give you an up to the minute rolling picture of attendance throughout the day and night.
Vital Information
Display up to 14 different pieces of information for each employee including their actual and expected start times, clocked and scheduled cost centres, absence reason and more.
If you rota or schedule your employees onto cost centres then those employees could use the board to identify which area they are working in that day and clock on accordingly. With the varied information and flexible configurations available there is a wide variety of different functions that the Focus Attendance Board can perform at the heart of your organisation so that you’d miss it if you didn’t have it.